Sunday, May 15th

Sunday May 15th

Today has been great! Yesterday Kennon and I flew back to LA from NC so we took advantage of the time change and got up early, a lil before 6am. That's technically like 9 am for us tho so that's that. Kennon is a great cousin. Had a rad lil surf down at Porto. Small lil glassy waves with like 300 people out. Made the most of it. Kennon caught maybe the biggest wave of the day and had a big ole grin on his face. Afterward we made pancakes back at the house. Banana and almonds with syrup and bacon and eggs. K went kinda wild with the garlic powder. Never had garlic on eggs IMEL (in my entire life––it's new). Just kinda hung around and waited for it to be time to go to church. 

Church was particularly good today. A message about prophecy. Ill include a link to the message below. Kinda a gnarly topic, but Pastor Gerr delivered with grace and truth. My alarms always kinda go off when this sort of subject is brought up in church. There's too many dodgy things that people can and will say on this subject that just doesn't come from scripture at all. When the vibe seems off, it probably is. Pretty cool that my church doesn't shy away from this since it's actually a really important topic. Apostle Paul writes that he desires mostly that Christ followers prophecy. So, good for my church! 

Kennon had good things to say about the service which is significant cuz of the subject matter and the fact that he doesn't go to church really. Then we found some overpriced “Traditional American Fare” in Santa Monica. Not really my cuppa but doing our best to not get burned out by tacos and that sort while he is here. If you got a recipe you want me to try, send it my way and we might cook it up. One of the missions of Dark Forest is the Spiritual and Bodily Welfare of people. Would really like to make a community cookbook. LMK if you're into this and would like to include some healthy and satisfying recipes.  

If u wanna hear the sermon from church today here’s the link:

Email me your recipes or just say hi.

Much love

Dillon BrownComment