Been writin’ some poems lately. You’ll see it if you scroll down this big picture of this cool spot in West Virginia.

Hope u enjoy…

  • On a night like tonight
    I may put the crickets to bed
    And enjoy the moon by myself 
    And tomorrow
    Who else saw its performance?
    I would be in good company

  • Thus far
    She wanders too
    Our paths, heavier with time
    Fall together into
    A perfect moment gives birth to more like it
    Each one making us

    We are blessed with more of each other
    Than we we know how to handle
    And so we trust
    What we don’t know is always plenty
    And what we have known has been satisfied
    I’ll get lost with you, still
    Walking beyond what we remembered discovering

    Now here, again at the homes of our children
    Mapping out our reach like a constellation
    We trace our way back home
    They’ve grown even further into time
    But I am,
    Here with you

    Stay in my resting thoughts
    And come
    I have swept for you, now open the windows
    And kiss me all over!

  • I have been lonely often
    and have never been too good at it
    I have not betrayed my heart 
    Or made believe love 
    Though I do believe

    On quiet nights I have seen a coyote
    I have chased owls and been
    I heard one screech and stood under its tree
    My world rotated
    Watching it rage like a woman and then fly away

    But to love well is to be unafraid 
    So I learn to trust 
    Which is harder than to wait
    For all will expire 
    But not all will trust 

  • By choice or by force I have submitted
    To sleep and to mystery
    First carried beyond conscious direction
    And then at the border town of an abyss or an eternity
    I am not sure which

    The comings and goings of my wakefulness collected without bias
    All things open and laid bare
    My attention has been completely stolen here
    To answer for me
    I pray to be among the honest, not betrayed by himself
    Trusting as a man in love
    Gone slack with his eyes closed
    Studied and subject to the searching of another

    Awake I have walked in the direction of my sight
    My world marked by a horizon
    What I have known of heaven extending downward to earth
    Resting on canopy and then slowly filtering through
    To seek the low points of my landscape
    Finding equilibrium in places yet to be found
    Yet to be tread
    Yet to be under stood

    Asleep again I face the infinite one day older
    May my ignorance not be counted against me
    May the Lord of my labor
    Be the God of my rest
    That I might be nurtured here
    For a while in a place I do not yet belong
    That I may sleep deeply
    Enjoying the rest of the faithful
    Like a man on his back
    Facing heaven upright

  • The Lord God is my peace
    In Him all secrets are known
    To give what might take to a man
    And bring new life

    So I find quietness
    Where I left it
    And fall on it like a made bed
    In my undoing
    He rebuilds
    In my patience
    He draws near
    Supporting each tired step I must take

    It has always been more than enough
    And I am satisfied

  • The sun sinks and I go home
    In time
    Before the cold awkward goodbye

    It will rise tomorrow and I so will I
    To return
    To rest in its warmth
    And see by it’s light
    To offer my sweat
    To the shade of its growth
    And the shadow I cast

    All the stars are still there
    Left on for a night with no moon
    But I’ll wait for the sun

  • My dissatisfaction has made my contentment its pupil
    But when I dream
    I find a better teacher

    Grasping is best done with the heart
    And poems, when read aloud,
    Become like forgotten memories
    Now found again

  • Behold endless inspiration
    Blessed be the cleansing
    Grace of nature
    The entire weight of the ocean
    And the clouds spread out like oil
    The most delicate of smiles
    Comes up from the sea
    To crest and break across the woman
    In constant rain

  • The journal is the canvas of a spirit, maybe.
    And we cast spells like brush strokes
    And find satisfaction in those pleasing lines
    Which most approximate the truths not still too great for us.

    All else remains out of reach, but not out of sight,
    Unthinkable, but not out of mind
    And odd sounds and smells fill all the stranger gaps in between
    what we have not yet been able to utter
    And we return to the words of our Lord
    Again, hungry to participate
    And read aloud

    "Our Father,
    Who art in Heaven
    Hallowed be Thy name
    Thy Kingdom come
    Thy Will be done
    On Earth as it is in Heaven
    Give us this day our daily bread
    And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
    And lead us not into temptation
    But deliver us from evil"

    Let me not be asleep to the magic of life,
    Spellbound in the dreams of my own prophecies