February 14th

February 14th

It’s Valentine’s Day. Honestly hadn’t even thought about that until I wrote the date just now. But now that we’re talking about it…

There’s a woman who’s steady on my mind these days––not front and center but I know that this girl is a good thing and that brings me encouragement. She lives kinda far away and aside from a few encounters we really don’t know each other but she has a reputation that is rare and one that I really trust and admire. Again, encouraging––this breed of single women exists!

I have a good feeling about her. Who knows, my relation to her may never develop past this current phase of admiration, but love is a partnership and i'd like to partner with someone like her. In this way she is representative and that is enough. It is good to have vision.

The vision is challenging. It's a call to action really, and more specifically a call to change. Everything in life requires sacrifice. I havent thought too long about that statement so lets rephrase: Anything worthwhile requires an element of sacrifice. Think about it. I’m a pretty fantastic person––almost unicorn tier-–but still, there are certain things I choose (whether actively or passively) to allow into my life that have consequences that would not be good for this girl. They are not good for me either. I do not want to slow her down. 

Its not a matter of personal perfection. Plus, she could certainly handle it because she is strong. But by sacrificing the destructive ideas I have collected throughout time I put myself back in a reconciled position––harmony. This is the grace of God. this is the space where life is full and rich, without drama or manipulation. Peace. I want that for whoever I encounter and certainly whoever I partner with one day. It's no wonder that Jesus preaches that the greatest is the servant. You gain your life when you lose it. The best way I can do this is by sacrificing the certain parts of Dillon that disrupt this peace. Lust never did anything good for me. Control never gave life to my relationships with others. I’ll spare you the list. 

We are not perfect, but by God’s grace, love, mercy, and RIGHTEOUSNESS He allows me constant opportunities to channel the grit that is necessary to rise to the occasion and wage a bloody war on the parts of Dillon that my community and one day lover (hopefully) would be better off without. 

Happy V day.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”

MATTHEW 11: 28-30

Dillon Brown