February 10th

February 10th

Just got back from a particularly magical sunset cruise on old faithful (pictured below). I picked her up for 50 bones off FB marketplace back in the summer. She has had her issues but together we ride. We roll. I’ll stop humanizing sports equipment now.

My roommate Dante just came outside where I am writing tonight. I’m still wondering what this entry will be about. He’s doing some stretches post run. I just asked him how his run was and he said “awful” “i feel like i messed up my lungs cleaning the laundry room”. Let me explain…

I live in a house with 9 other dudes. *Men.

As a part of this community there are expectations and responsibilities. One of them is the chore Dante was doing when he mixed Fabuloso and Bleach and accidentally created chlorine gas. He thought something was off so he googled it and apparently it's this whole big thing. 

Anyway he’ll be alright. Adam just walked up and they’re about to get a workout in.

The blessing of community right in front of me. Thousands of miles from my hometown. Here in my backyard in sunny California.


Old Faithful

Dillon Brown