Prayer from Home

That in seeking His word you might be ever humbled by His spirit revealed to you. In careful reverence that you would set yourself apart to be transformed by His love for you, given eyes to see clearly and ears to hear His still small voice. That you might quickly tire of your sinfulness and the worldly gospel which seeks to placate your dissatisfaction with half measures of truth. By understanding His character that you would recognize His voice, not being fooled by false promises, but strengthened according to His good word. That you would seek to outdo each other in the same love that He has shown for you in giving Himself up for you. That you might experience and recognize His grace on your life in all forms: in His silence, in your patient waiting, in the evil you suffer, in the discipline you develop as a result of His perfect order. In receiving new life daily you would orient yourself to continually learn the heart of your Creator, so that your offering is pleasing to Him and you would learn to practice intimacy well.

I pray with hope, letting my heart take courage that all these will be true for you and His testimonies in your life would be clear, marking the way in revelation of your life hidden with Christ.

Dillon Brown